Info for presenters

  • You have the following time to present based on your contribution:
    • Journal papers: 25 minutes (ideally, 20 mins presentation + 5 mins Q&A)
    • Notes: 20 minutes (ideally, 15 mins presentation + 5 mins Q&A)
    • Exploratory papers: 15 minutes (ideally, 10 mins presentation + 5 mins Q&A)
    • Madness (DC and posters): 3 minutes
  • If you are presenting, come early to the session. You can use the laptop in the room or your personal one. In addition, it is a good idea to have a backup of your presentation on a pen drive or online, in case of technical issues with your laptop.
  • You can coordinate further requests with the session chairs.

We will continuously update this page when we receive further questions from participants.