Notes program

Encounters with indoor delivery robots: a sociological analysis of non-verbal behaviours towards robots

Naoko Abe and Tommaso Colombino

Situational Awareness Data Extraction from Cooperative Virtual Reality Maritime Training Simulations

Thomas Larsen, Per Larsen and Pernille Bjørn

Tying the policy knot: the Case of an Ongoing Digital Archiving Project for Patient Records

Léonord Rolland-Blin, Khuloud Abou Amsha and Matthieu Tixier

Design Implications for a Social and Collaborative Understanding of online Information Assessment Practices, Challenges and Heuristics

Vasilis Vlachokyriakos, Ian Johnson, Robert Anderson, Caroline Claisse, Viana Zhang and Pamela Briggs

Reconfiguring collaborative data work

Torbjørg Træland Meum and Miria Grisot

Folksonomies in Crowdsourcing Platforms: Three Tensions Associated with the Development of Shared Language in Distributed Groups

Julia Bullard, Kevin Crowston, Corey Jackson, Alexander Owen Smith and Carsten Østerlund

Impacts vs Implications: Rushed Technology Adoption in Small and Medium Enterprises due to Covid-19 Pandemic

Hussain Abid Syed, Marén Schorch, Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti de Carvalho, Konrad Meisner, Volkmar Pipek and Volker Wulf

Introducing a Gamification Element in Enterprise Collaboration Platforms: Only a Flash in the Pan or a Lasting Effect?

Laura Stojko, Lin Lin, Roman Soucek, Klaus Moser and Michael Koch

Social Connectedness as a Focus for Designing Technologies in Support of Mental Health

Gabriela Marcu and Jina Huh-Yoo