The European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW) 2021 will take place online via remote channels and in Zurich, Switzerland on June 7 – 11, 2021. The Pre-conference program on June 7 – 8, includes workshops, masterclasses and the doctoral colloquium. The Main Conference program on June 9 – 11, includes journal papers, exploratory papers, notes, posters & demos and panels.
The ECSCW 2021 Conference includes:
- • participation in the Workshops on June 7 – 8, 2021
- • participation inthe Doctoral Colloquium and Masterclasses on June 7 – 8, 2021
- • participation in the main conference (3 days: June 9, 2021 – June 11, 2021)
Registration Information:
ECSCW conference is organized by EUSSET community. The registration for the conference is possible only if you are an active EUSSET member and have paid your membership fee for 2021. In this case you can proceed with the Conference Registration. Please, give us about a week time for processing your registration.
If you are not an active EUSSET member or have not yet paid the membership fee for 2021, please, register as a EUSSET member before registering for the conference → EUSSET Registration
Registration to the conference is required for all kinds of participation. In order to access to main conference, or other activities such as workshops, doctoral colloquium, master classes and main conference session, as well as to access to the conference social media space, you need a registration.
Why becoming a EUSSET member in order to register for a conference?
The ECSCW 2021 conference registration is free of charge for all EUSSET members. With ECSCW being held virtually, we were able to negotiate a conference free-of-charge. Still, there are several costs that are covered by EUSSET community. In order to keep the costs in minimum, and to support the effort of having the conference free of charge, we kindly ask you to become a EUSSET member.
Throughout the conference we rely heavily on the EUSSET infrastructure in terms of technology, institutional support, and personnel. This includes the social media space for conference participants, digital library for publication purposes, or promotion via EUSSET website and social media channels. Therefore, we require each participant of any event happening during the conference to become a EUSSET member and pay the membership fee. In return the conference participants will get access to a young and diverse community of engaged researchers from around the world as well as to the services offered by the community.
If you are not a EUSSET member, you need to register with EUSSET and pay your membership fee first before registering for the conference. The information about the registration and payment can be found here. The membership fee is 35 EUR for students and 50 EUR for academic members (this category includes participants from industry or non-affiliated individuals).
If you are having a hardship, you can apply for a free EUSSET membership for a year. If you consider yourself eligible for this form of support, please, fill out this application form. All data will be treated confidentially. We will consider each application individually and anonymously, so please make sure to apply for a free membership at least two weeks before the conference.