This week’s gem is the paper “['It’s About Business not Politics': Software Development Between Palestinians and Israelis](” by Nina Boulus-Rødje, Pernille Bjørn and Ahmad Ghazawneh

ECSCW gem nr.4

This week’s gem is the paper “’It’s About Business not Politics’: Software Development Between Palestinians and Israelis” by Nina Boulus-Rødje, Pernille Bjørn and Ahmad Ghazawneh, presented at ECSCW 2015 in Oslo, Norway.

“[From Work to Life and Back Again](” by Luigina Ciolfi and Eleanor Lockley

ECSCW gem nr.3

This week’s gem is the paper “From Work to Life and Back Again: Examining the Digitally-Mediated Work/Life Practices of a Group of Knowledge Workers” by Luigina Ciolfi and Eleanor Lockley presented in ECSCW 2018 in London, UK.

Screenshot of paper "PolyLens: A recommender system for groups of user"

ECSCW gem nr.2

This week’s gem is the paper “PolyLens: A recommender system for groups of user” by O’Connor et al. PolyLens is a “collaborative filtering recommender system designed to recommend items for groups of users, rather than for individuals.”

Screenshot of paper "CSCW: Four Characters in Search of a Context"

ECSCW gem nr.1

Did you know that some of the seminal work in CSCW, and some of the most well-known papers in practice-centered computer, were initially presented at ECSCW conferences?