
Workshop 3: Collectively Improve the Quality of Life at Work: How and Which Data to Collect and Analyze?

If you are interested in how data could be collected, analyzed, and discussed to improve the quality of life at work: which data? Which methods for its collection and its analysis? Under which conditions? You should submit a short position paper to this workshop by May 2nd, 2023.   The workshop will be organized by Claus Bossen, …

Workshop 3: Collectively Improve the Quality of Life at Work: How and Which Data to Collect and Analyze? Read More »

Workshop 2: Spatial tensions in CSCW: The political and ethical challenges of scale

On Tuesday, June 6th, Airi Lampinen, Chiara Rossitto, Roel Roscam Abbing, Ann Light, Anton Fedosov, and Luigina Ciolfi will organize a full-day workshop on the political and ethical challenges of scale.   The workshop is designed for up to 20 participants. If you are interested in participating, submit a short position paper by May 5th, …

Workshop 2: Spatial tensions in CSCW: The political and ethical challenges of scale Read More »

Workshop 5: From empathy to gamification: Inspecting motivational and sensitive methods for participation of co-researchers in healthcare

On Monday, June 5th, Tim Weiler (University of Siegen), Liliana Savage Pinto (University of Siegen), David Struzek (University of Siegen), Holger Klapperich (University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf), Alina Huldtgren (University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf) and Claudia Müller (University of Siegen) will organize a workshop on the topic of appropriate methods for increasing participants’ motivation with preserving …

Workshop 5: From empathy to gamification: Inspecting motivational and sensitive methods for participation of co-researchers in healthcare Read More »

Workshop 1: Implementing Electronic Health Records – Cases, Concepts, Questions 

On Tuesday, June 6th, Morten Hertzum (Roskilde University), Rebecca Randell (University of Bradford), Gunnar Ellingsen (UiT Arctic University of Norway), and Miria Grisot (University of Oslo) will organize a half-day workshop on implementing EHRs.   If you are interested in participating in the workshop, submit your position paper by April 28th, 2023. For more information …

Workshop 1: Implementing Electronic Health Records – Cases, Concepts, Questions  Read More »

Become a student volunteer!

You can now apply to become a student volunteer! As an SV, you have the opportunity to attend the conference while having unique access to the backstage view of how the conference is run. In addition, you will receive free access to all the conference sessions, reception and conference dinner, a kick-off dinner during the …

Become a student volunteer! Read More »

Registration is open

You can now register for ECSCW 2023! You can choose between three levels of participation, the standard, which will give you full access to all conference events, or partial attendance to either the main conference or the pre-conference. Registration link: More information about registration can be found here.

ECSCW 2023

Exploratory paper or Note?

One of the most frequent questions we receive is related to these two types of contributions. Here is a summary of the difference between the two.

ECSCW 2023

Deadline extension

Due to several requests we are extending all submission deadlines that were due April 20 with two weeks. The new deadline is Monday March 6, 2023. The web pages will be updated to reflect this. Please note that the acceptance cutoff date for journal papers is not changed.