Early Career Researchers Lunch Meeting at ECSCW2023

Wednesday, 7 June, Lunch break, 13:15-14:00, main conference building, 5th floor.

Grab your lunch and join us for the Early Career Lunch meeting!

Here you will learn how you can benefit from EUSSET’s diverse offerings and how you can actively participate in the advancement of our practice-based computing community. 

We will report on the EUSSET Summer School and on various activities that EUSSET organizes to foster a lively exchange and networking of its community members.

There will also be space for discussions and your thoughts on how EUSSET services can be better aligned with the needs of early career researchers.

Participation is free of charge, please register at the link: https://nettskjema.no/a/346632

Also join the early career space at EUSSET community hubhttps://hub.eusset.eu/s/early-career/

Looking forward to seeing you soon at ECSCW 2023 in Trondheim, Norway!