Monday, June 5
8:15: Registration opens (DIGS, 5th floor)
9:00 – 17:00: Doctoral colloquium
09:00-9:15 Arrival
9:15-9:30 Welcome and name round
9:30-10:00 Paper #1
10:00-10:30 Paper #2
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Paper #3
11:30-12:00 Paper #4
12:00-12:30 Paper #5
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Paper #6
14:00-14:30 Paper #7
14:30-15:00 Paper #8
15.00-15.15 Break
15:15-15:45 Paper #9
15.45-16:15 General reflections
16:15-16:30 Evaluation and goodbye
9:00 – 17:00: WS 3: Collectively Improve the Quality of Life at Work: How and Which Data to Collect and Analyze?
Claus Bossen (University of Aarhus), Christophe Chassot (LAAS-CNRS, INSA Toulouse), Caroline Datchary (LISST, Toulouse Jean Jaurès University), Sylvie Grosjean (University of Ottawa), Shion Guha (University of Toronto), Myriam Lewkowicz (LIST3N/Tech-CICO, Troyes University of Technology) and Samir Medjiah (LAAS-CNRS, Paul Sabatier University – Toulouse 3)
Digitization of work has expanded the possibility to collect traces of activities, and AI techniques now extend the potential for analyzing this large amount of data. This phenomenon is mostly associated with forms of control and evaluation of the activity of the employees, thus generating forms of resistance. It is therefore important to think about forms of collection and processing of this data that could improve quality of life at work, by tackling information, cognitive, or communication overload. Indeed, this data could be used to improve deliberation in organizations, by providing digital representations of the activity, which is not easy to grasp in day-to-day professional work. The objective of this workshop is to gather researchers interested in discussing how data could be collected, analyzed, and discussed to improve the quality of life at work: which data? Which methods for its collection and its analysis? Under which conditions?
10:00 – 10:15: Coffee break
12:30 – 13:30: Lunch
15:00 – 15:15: Coffee break
From 18:00: Dinner
Session organizers arrange dinner.
Tuesday, June 6
8:15: Registration opens (DIGS, 5th floor)
9:00 – 12:30: WS 1: Implementing Electronic Health Records – Cases, Concepts, Questions.
Morten Hertzum (Roskilde University), Rebecca Randell (University of Bradford), Gunnar Ellingsen (UiT Arctic University of Norway) and Miria Grisot (University of Oslo)
Electronic health records (EHRs) support patient treatment by providing healthcare professionals with the means to order, document, and follow up on the steps taken to treat and care for each patient. EHRs are complex systems, and their implementation is a major undertaking, which has received sustained attention in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) and other research fields. This workshop aims to provide a forum for participants to get updated on current CSCW studies of EHR implementations and create connections with a select group of other CSCW researchers who study such implementations. Within the overall topic of EHR implementation, the workshop themes include, but are not limited to, case analyses, theoretically oriented pieces, discussion essays, stakeholder analyses, methodological reflections, and comparative pieces. The key activities at the workshop will be presentations of the participants’ position papers and thematic discussions in break-out groups.
9:00 – 17:00: WS 2: Spatial tensions in CSCW: The political and ethical challenges of scale
Airi Lampinen (Stockholm University), Chiara Rossitto (Stockholm University), Roel Roscam Abbing (Malmö University), Ann Light (Malmö University and University of Sussex), Anton Fedosov (University of Zurich) and Luigina Ciolfi (University College Cork and Lero)
This workshop advances a CSCW-perspective on how scale and place relate and how we might better understand what role scale plays in the design of tools and collaborative processes. This full-day workshop is designed for up to 20 participants, to be selected based on short position papers that relate to one or more of the workshop themes: (1) the political and ethical challenges of scale, (2) modes of organizing, infrastructuring, and governing, (3) (inter)organizational aspects, and (4) place and care. The workshop builds upon the COST Action From Sharing to Caring: Examining Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy that played a key role in bringing researchers together to address issues of care and scale, as well as recent workshops and interests groups at CSCW and HCI venues that have focused on issues of scale, cooperation, and place-making. Our aim with this workshop is to provide a space for the continued unfolding of the discussions sparked through these prior activities, this time with a particular focus on the political and ethical challenges of scale.
9:00 – 12:30: WS4: The digital public encounter
Michaela Schmidt (NTNU), Babak A. Farshchian (NTNU) and Sara Hofmann (University of Agder)
The digitalization of the public sector impacts nearly all aspects of public service provision, including the interaction between citizens and public officials, also known as public encounter. This traditionally face-to-face interaction is being replaced by digital platforms, chat-bots, and self-services. Public encounters can be highly collaborative processes, e.g. in the provision of welfare services, that involve multiple stakeholders. The use of digital tools in these processes poses opportunities as well as challenges to the collaborative process and the public service provision in general. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with a common interest in the collaborative aspects of digital public encounter, how public officials and citizens communicate and cooperate through digital tools, and the long-term impact of these technological transformations. Topics include but are not limited to communication and collaboration processes in the digital public encounter, analysis of digital tools in the public encounter and theories and case-studies on how public encounters happen. We invite researchers as well as practitioners to participate in the workshop.
10:00 – 10:15: Coffee break
12:30 – 13:30: Lunch
13:30 – 17:00: Masterclass: Experimenting with Ethnography: Making Time-Space for Analysis
Brit Ross Winthereik
Deptartment of Technology, Management and Economics
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Masterclass description
In this master class you will experiment with the concept ‘object exchange’ as described and developed in (Korsby & Stavrianakis, 2021). As preparation you will bring an object from your field of study. It can be anything from your field, an image, a recorded sound bite, a diary, a transcript, but also a smell or. as long as it has a physical form. Prior to the workshop you must also read read the Introduction to Experimenting with Ethnography: A companion to analysis (2021) Analysis as Experimental Practice. (Ballestero & Winthereik, 2021: 1-14) and Object Exchange (Korsby & Stavrianakis, 2021: 82-93).
Ballestero, A & Winthereik B.R., Experimenting with Ethnography: A Companion to Analysis, (2021).
Latour, B. (1995). The’pedofil’of Boa Vista: a photo-philosophical montage. Common knowledge, 4(1).
Rheinberger, H. J. (1995). From experimental systems to cultures of experimentation. Concepts, theories and rationality in biological sciences, 1-4.
15:00 – 15:15: Coffee break
Wednesday, June 7
8:30: Registration opens (DIGS, 1st floor)
9:00 – 9:30: Opening and welcome
9:30 – 10:30: Keynote by David Ribes – Time for Historicism in E-CSCW
Session chair: Elena Parmiggiani
This talk calls for long-views of collaboration, across years and decades, at the scale of careers, biographies and organizational lifetimes, even nation states and global flows. At such scales we see not just tools and systems, nor even one-off transitions across them, but repeated transformations to the means of communication, coordination and collaboration, transitions managed in part, but often overtaking us, all accomplished unevenly. Historicism also calls for wider contextualization, addressed in the terms of the times. In the field we have developed a nuanced sense of the social and cultural, and to some extent political and global settings of cooperative work and play. But historical contextualization often still eludes the field, and long-historical views remain rare. There are opportunities here, for computing is not new, and has long been generating the traces that will serve as the entry points for our inquiries, and the constitutive fields that form CSCW are also not new, with old insights to be mined once again.
10:30 – 11:00: Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00: Paper session 1: Future cooperation and CSCW
Session chair: Ines Di Loreto
Mohlin, Alice; Chatzipanagiotou, Niki. “Digital Nomads’ Experiences on the Support of Digital Technologies in Relation to Social Isolation”. Exploratory paper.
Busboom, Juliane; Boulus-Rødje, Nina. “Planning for hybrid cooperation – a design driven exploration”. Exploratory paper.
Yıldız, Zeynep; Subaşı, Özge. “An Institutional Perspective: How Gatekeepers on a Higher Education Interact for the Organization of Access”. Journal paper.
12:00 – 13:00: Panel: Data-driven CSCW – Sharing of industrial data for successful twin transformation
Session chair: Prof Heri Ramampiaro, NTNU Department of Computer Science, head of department
Astrid Undheim (Sparebank 1)
Till Christopher Lech, (SINTEF Digital; Big Data Value Association)
Heri Ramampiaro (NTNU, Dept. of Computer Science)
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
13:15 – 14:00: Early Career Researchers Lunch Meeting
Wednesday, 7 June, Lunch break, 13:15-14:00, main conference building, 5th floor.
Grab your lunch and join us for the Early Career Lunch meeting!
Here you will learn how you can benefit from EUSSET’s diverse offerings and how you can actively participate in the advancement of our practice-based computing community.
We will report on the EUSSET Summer School and on various activities that EUSSET organizes to foster a lively exchange and networking of its community members.
There will also be space for discussions and your thoughts on how EUSSET services can be better aligned with the needs of early career researchers.
Participation is free of charge, please register at the link:
14:00 – 15:00: Paper session 2: Participation and design
Session chair: Monica Divitini
Cormi, Clement; Abou-Amsha, Khuloud; Tixier, Matthieu; Lewkowicz, Myriam. “Modeling for Analysis and Design in Regulated Artifacts Ecologies (MADRAE): a Case for Cooperative Practices in Telemedicine”. Exploratory paper.
Moalagh, Morteza; Mikalsen, Marius; Farshchian, Babak A. “Are Team Autonomy and Flexibility Enough for Agile Transformation? A Review of Transformed Practices in a Public Sector Organization”. Exploratory paper.
Dahl-Jørgensen, Tangni Cunningham; Parmiggiani, Elena. “Caseworkers’ participation in procurement: Infrastructuring Child Welfare Services in Norway”. Journal paper.
Kinnula, Marianne; Iivari, Netta; Kuure, Leena; Molin-Juustila, Tonja. “Educational Participatory Design in the Crossroads of Histories and Practices – Aiming for Digital Transformation in Language Pedagogy”. Journal paper.
15:00 – 15:30: Coffee break
15:30 – 16:30: Paper session 3: Infrastructures for remote work
Session chair: Nina Boulus-Rødje
Meum, Torbjørg T. “Scaling Digital Remote Care Technology: Installed Base Cultivation”. Note.
Munkvold, Bjørn E. “Supporting Inter-Agency Collaboration in Emergency Management: Recurring Challenges Relevant for CSCW”. Note.
de Carvalho, Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti; Saeed, Saqib; Reuter, Christian; Rohde, Markus; Randall, David; Pipek, Volkmar. “Understanding Nomadic Practices of Social Activist Networks Through the Lens of Infrastructuring: the Case of the European Social Forum”. Journal paper.
Hochwarter, Stefan; Schwarz, Julian; Muehlensiepen, Felix; Monteiro, Eric. “Becoming a Guest: On Proximity and Distance in Mental Health Home Treatment”. Journal paper.
16:30 – 17:00: Poster madness
Session chair: Ines Di Loreto
Marques, Bernardo; Silva, Samuel; Dias, Paulo; Santos, Beatriz Sousa. “Insights on the Impact of Gender and Technological Expertise in Augmented Reality Remote Collaboration”. Poster.
Jaroš, Václav; Jaňura, Jakub; Svoboda, Petr. “Geolocation Data as a Research Tool for the Organization of the Settlement System: Case Study of the Spatial Mobility Model in Czechia”. Poster.
17:00 – 18:00: Break and poster exhibtion (ctd)
19:00 – 21:00: Reception
The reception will be held at Kjelhuset, on the NTNU campus Gløshaugen. Light refreshments will be served.
The venue is within 20-30 minutes walking distance from the city center, and the nearest bus stops are “Høgskoleringen” or “Gløshaugen”. For more information about public transport in Trondheim, refer to the page Transportation.
Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1 E
7034 Trondheim
Directions on google maps:
We are walking together to the reception at 18:30 from DIGS (optionally).
Thursday, June 8
8:30: Registration opens (DIGS, 1st floor)
9:00 – 10:00: Keynote by Eivor Oborn: Digital Platforms and Societal Change
Session chair: Eric Monteiro
In this presentation, I will discuss insights around how digital platforms are influencing society and enabling social changes. Drawing on a number of empirical studies, I will approach societal changes from three perspectives, connecting to the concepts of value, trajectories and boundaries. First, I will consider unique dynamics of online communities which can integrate diverse forms of value, pulling together unique combinations of stakeholders into new online collaborative processes. Second, I will emphasise how material places remain fundamentally important in the way digital platforms become used and the use practices that arise, as they connect with trajectories of place. Third, I will show how culturally embedded meanings, such as locally enacted understandings of fairness, can be shaped and become shaped through social media platforms, connecting to social boundaries. I will conclude by presenting a number of theoretical and practical implications that arise from this body of research.
10:00 – 10:30: Coffee break
10:30 – 11:15: Paper session 4: Platform-based collaboration
Session chair: Stefan Hochwarter
Berns, Katie; Rossitto, Chiara; Tholander, Jakob. “Learning from Other Communities: Organising Collective Action in a Grassroots Food-sharing Initiative”. Journal paper.
Sistrunk, Andreea; Subhodip, Biswas; Egenrieder, James; Glenn, William; Luther, Kurt; Ramakrishnan, Naren. “Redrawing Public School Boundaries: An Intersection of Computer Science, Education Policy, and Geography Research”. Exploratory paper.
Ringdal, Nora O.; Farshchian, Babak A. “Generativity practices in EHR implementation: A case study of the transition from design to usage”. Exploratory paper.
11:15 – 12:15: Panel: The Ecological Underpinnings and Future Contributions of (E)CSCW
Session chair: Prof Ann Light (University of Sussex and Malmö University)
Chiara Rossitto (Associate Prof at Stockholm University and Visiting Prof at Aalborg University)
Airi Lampinen (Associate Prof at Stockholm University and Docent at the University of Helsinki)
Andrea Botero (Associate Prof at Aalto University)
12:30 – 13:30: Lunch
13:30 – 14:30: Paper session 5: Data-centric collaborative work
Session chair: Marius Mikalsen
Dolejsova, Marketa; Botero, Andrea; Choi, Jaz H. “Open Forest: Walking-with Feral Stories, Creatures, Data”. Exploratory paper.
Avlona, Natalia; Shklovski, Irina. “Matters of Data Care: From data-centric to domain-centric patient-centrism in the Health Tech Sector”. Exploratory paper.
Mosconi, Gaia; Pinatti de Carvalho, Aparecido Fabiano; Syed, Hussain Abid; Randall, Dave; Karasti, Helena; Pipek, Volkmar. “Fostering Research Data Management in Collaborative Research Contexts: Lessons learnt from an ‘Embedded’ Evaluation of ‘Data Story'”. Journal paper.
Peer, Firaz. “The Human Infrastructure of Civic Data: A Taxonomy for Participatory Infrastructuring of Civic Data”. Journal paper.
14:30 – 14:45: Coffee break
14:45 – 16:00: Awards ceremony
Chair: Myriam Lewkowicz
- 14:45-14:50: David B. Martin best paper award announcement. Chairs: Myriam Lewkowicz and Kjeld Schmidt
- 5 minutes announcement of the winner. (Presentation of the paper in a later session).
- 14:50-15:25: IISI-EUSSET lifetime achievement award for 2022. Chairs: David Randall.
- 10 minutes intro by chair, 25 minutes speech by the awardee.
- 15:25-16:00: IISI-EUSSET lifetime achievement award for 2023. Chairs: Volker Wulf and Markus Rohde.
- 10 minutes intro by chairs, 25 minutes speech by the awardee.
- 16:00 Announcement of ECSCW 2024 (Presentation of the hosts at the closing session on Friday)
16:00 – 17:00: EUSSET General Assembly
18:00 – 22:30: Social program and dinner
The conference dinner will be at the Archbishop’s palace (Erkebispegården in Norwegian), next to Nidarosdomen Cathedral. The location is in the city center.
For hundreds of years, the castle was the residence and administrative center of the Archbishop of Trondheim. Today, the castle has several museums.
The nearest bus stop is “Nidarosdomen”. For more information about public transport in Trondheim, refer to the page Transportation.
At 18:00 there will be a concert inside Nidarosdomen cathedral arranged for the conference participants. It will be an organ concert played by cantor Petra Bjørkhaug. The concert will last 30 minutes, but the church is open until 19.00 with the opportunity to look around and ask questions.
Starting at 18.30 an aperitif will be served in the Archbishop’s palace with the possibility of a short tour of the museum. Part of the staff will help give directions from Nidarosdomen to the Archbishop’s palace at the end of the concert.
At 19:00 the conference dinner will start.
Kongsgårdsgata 1B
7013 Trondheim
Directions on google maps:
Friday, June 9
8:30: Registration opens (DIGS, first floor)
9:30 – 10:30: Paper session 6: Assisting and maintaining
Session chair: Fabiano Pinatti
Tuteja, Kanika; Colombino, Tommaso; Tixier, Matthieu. “Configurations of the User in the Trajectory of Wheelchairs in India: Learnings for the Socio-technical Design of Smart Assistive Devices”. Exploratory paper.
Verne, Guri. “Giving help or information? A human advisor and a chatbot answers requests from citizens”. Exploratory paper.
Castle-Green, Teresa; Reeves, Stuart; Fischer, Joel E; Koleva, Boriana. “Revisiting the Digital Plumber: Modifying the Installation Process of an Established Commercial IoT Alarm System”. Journal paper.
Tchatchoua, Nadine Sandjo; Boulus-Rødje, Nina; Mitchell, Val. “Green IT Meaning in Energy Monitoring Practices: The case of Danish Households”. Journal paper.
10:30 – 11:00: Coffee break
11:00 – 11:30: Paper session 7: Workers
Session chair: Syed Sajid Hussain
Sæther, Runar; Farshchian, Babak A. “The workers strike back- A literature survey of digital circumvention tools used by online gig workers”. Exploratory paper.
Milbak, Tina W.; Simonsen, Jakob G.; Hansen, Marco B.; Møller, Naja L. H. “Designing with Awareness* Building an Agenda for Worker- and Patient Well-being”. Exploratory paper.
11:30 – 12:00: David Martin award session
David B. Martin best paper award
Nielsen, Trine Rask; Menendez-Blanco, Maria; Holten Møller, Naja. “Who Cares About Data? Ambivalence, Translation, and Attentiveness in Asylum Casework”. Journal paper.
12:00 – 13:00: Closing session
ECSCW 2023 proceedings: