Experimenting with Ethnography: Making Time-Space for Analysis
Brit Ross Winthereik
Deptartment of Technology, Management and Economics
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Masterclass description
In this master class you will experiment with the concept ‘object exchange’ as described and developed in (Korsby & Stavrianakis, 2021). As preparation you will bring an object from your field of study. It can be anything from your field, an image, a recorded sound bite, a diary, a transcript, but also a smell or. as long as it has a physical form. Prior to the workshop you must also read read the Introduction to Experimenting with Ethnography: A companion to analysis (2021) Analysis as Experimental Practice. (Ballestero & Winthereik, 2021: 1-14) and Object Exchange (Korsby & Stavrianakis, 2021: 82-93).
Ballestero, A & Winthereik B.R., Experimenting with Ethnography: A Companion to Analysis, (2021).
Latour, B. (1995). The’pedofil’of Boa Vista: a photo-philosophical montage. Common knowledge, 4(1).
Rheinberger, H. J. (1995). From experimental systems to cultures of experimentation. Concepts, theories and rationality in biological sciences, 1-4.
How to apply
The masterclass is intended for both PhD and master students who conduct ethnographic fieldwork as part of their data collection. Students who work in cross disciplinary settings can especially benefit, but the class is open to anyone who are working om CSCW, HCI, STS, anthropology, sociology and who have experience with ethnographic fieldwork. Preparation is required.
To apply for the master class, participants are required to send a one-page description of their project, including project title and their motivation for participation to Brit Ross Winthereik (browi@dtu.dk) by May 5th, 2023.
Organizer’s Bio
Brit Ross Winthereik is professor of human-centered digitalization in the Division for Responsible Innovation & Design at the Dept. of Technology, Management and Economics, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Her research revolves around digitalization processes and the use of data in the public sector of contemporary welfare societies with a particular focus on information infrastructures and human life within. She has published within STS, anthropology and information systems. She is co-author of ‘Monitoring Movements in Development Aid: Recursive Infrastructures and Partnerships’ (MIT Press, 2013) with Casper Bruun Jensen, co-editor of ‘Electrifying Anthropology: Exploring Electrical Practices and Infrastructures’ (Bloomsbury, 2019) with Simone Abram and Thomas Yarrow, ‘Experimenting with Ethnography: A Companion to Analysis’ (Duke University Press, 2021) with Andrea Ballestero, ‘Handbook for the Anthropology of Technology’ (Palgrave Handbook Series, 2021) with Maja Høyer Bruun el al, ‘Energy Worlds in Experiment’ with Laura Watts and James Maguire (Mattering Press, 2021), and ‘Aktørnetværksteori i praksis with Irina Papazu (Djøf forlag, 2021).