
Journal Papers

Deadline: On a rolling basis

The European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW) invites for submissions and presentations of original and novel research related to the wide field of CSCW. The full Paper submissions undergo an integrated, journal-like review and revision process.


Deadline: March 11th

The Notes track invites researchers and practitioners to submit Notes to the ECSCW 2022. With notes the authors receive the opportunity to publish succinct and focused empirical or conceptual studies to support progress in a specific sub-domain of CSCW. If you want to present a pointed insight from your field work or have a compact argument to make, this publication format is the right choice for you.

Exploratory papers

Deadline: March 11th

The Exploratory Papers track at ECSCW 2022 encourages the submission of work that highlights small focused studies, critical literature reviews, early exploratory work, design probes (or the like), initial theoretical contributions based on empirical studies
and/or provocative ideas. 

Posters & Demos

Deadline: March 11th

The Posters and Demos track invites for presentation of Posters and Demos that are key elements of the ECSCW conference. For presenters as well as recipients, the Poster & Demo session provides a lively environment for getting in touch with late-breaking research, preliminary results, innovative ideas, and early-stage research. 


Deadline: April 7th

The ECSCW 2022 invites to submit Panels that aim to inspire, explore and provoke ECSCW 2022 attendees to engage with emerging and innovative topics that have the ability to transform and push CSCW research in a new direction. Panels are a unique opportunity to pull together a diverse range of experts who can offer contrasting viewpoints and positions.



Deadline: February 25th

The ECSCW 2022 invites Workshop proposals addressing basic research questions, new methodologies and approaches, innovative technologies, and emerging research areas. Workshops are good venues for involving attendees in working together to share, reflect and develop new insights. Outcomes might include Journal special issues, blogs or new collaborations.


Deadline: February 25th

The ECSCW 2022 Masterclasses provide the opportunity to learn about specific CSCW methods, concepts and approaches from experts in the related field within small in-depth group discussions. Masterclasses facilitate a more focused discussion on any CSCW topic, and enable organizers to do theoretical input in lectures as well as engage participants in more hands-on workshop experiences.

Doctoral Colloquium

Deadline: March 11th

The ECSCW 2022 Doctoral Colloquium provides an opportunity for doctoral students to discuss their research in an international forum under the guidance of a panel of experienced CSCW researchers. We invite candidates who are working broadly in the field of CSCW to apply. Candidates at any stage of the PhD process will be considered.

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